On �line help available for injured wildlife


This is the culmination of a year’s work of collecting, collating and verifying correct procedures for wildlife rescue, care and rehabilitation.
You find an injured fox, rabbit, bird, perhaps you suspect you have found an orphaned youngster of any  wildlife species. What do you do next? Where do you turn for help?  How do you know you’re doing the right thing?

It’s a matter of life or death to any young creature and now it’s life maybe in your hands.  The above website is there to help you.  It’s an informative website with  easy- to- follow step by step instructions for emergency first aid.

Any group or individual interested in caring for wildlife would do well to educate themselves from this website and when and if the need arises be well-informed on how to immediately cope with the situation.

Rehabilitation Conference 2010
Also, we’d like to invite you to the Irish Wildlife Rehabilitation Conference which will be bringing together international speakers for talks and practical sessions to teach a wide audience about the practicalities of wildlife treatment and rehabilitation.

The conference, scheduled for the 21st and 22nd of August, will be a two day event:

Day 1 will be for vets and veterinary nurses and will be a continuing professional development (CPD) event that is registered for 5 continuing veterinary education (CVE) credits.

Day 2 will be for open attendance: rehabilitators, vet and animal care students, SPCA’s, NPWS rangers, gardai, etc.

Conference details: www.irishwildlifematters.ie/conference