An Broc (The Badger) is the newsletter of Badgerwatch
Autumn 2014 Co-ordinator: Bernadette Barrett, 5, Tyrone Avenue, Lismore Lawn, Waterford. Irish Republic. E-mail Bernadettembarrett@gmail.com |
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Clare Daly T.D. and Maureen O’Sullivan T.D. protests with animal protection groups at Dublin Castle – Animal Welfare Bill did not go far enough. |
Badger killing as a career?
The Department of Agriculture is seeking contractors to carry out a cull of up to 12,000 badgers over a two year period in an ongoing effort to tackle tuberculosis levels in cattle. The contract will be worth in the region of €2m and will involve the capture and shooting of the animals. Badger culling has been used as a way of reducing the levels of the disease for decades, with 6,000 badgers per year culled in recent years. However animal welfare groups are hotly disputing the need for any more culling, with the Irish Wildlife Trust claiming many studies show badger culling is ineffective at stopping TB outbreaks in cattle. The IWT also point out that years of culling in this country has not got eradicated bovine TB. Farmers argue the latest cull is necessary and say there is ample evidence linking infected badger populations to the spread of TB to disease free cattle, something that can have a devastating impact for farm families. The statement added that the incidence of bovine TB in herds has fallen greatly in recent years due in great part to the strategic removal of diseased badger social groups. The new badger removal contract will also involve an element of badger vaccination aimed at reducing badger TB levels without culling. Vaccine field trials involving several hundred badgers are already taking place but the Department says it will be some years before badgers culling is abandoned. Meanwhile, Irish Farmers Association President Eddie Downey has said that levels of TB remain unacceptably high in Wicklow, despite significant progress towards the eradication of the disease nationwide. Recently, Wicklow farmers have also been pointing the finger at deer and are now calling for a cull in the area. |
Thugs used live fox used to ‘blood’ dogs. People were shocked by a Sunday World expose on September 14th which carried a story where a live fox had been captured by a gang. The purpose was to engage in, what is commonly known as a ‘blooding’ session with a pack of hunting dogs. This is a recognised method of training dogs to kill. The practice is much favoured by the owners for preparing the animals for badger –baiting and dog-fighting activities. Both activities are highly illegal but are favoured as entertainment and betting mediums for criminal gangs. The video was posted on-line by a Waterford -based gangster. It shows a terrified fox been torn limb from limb by as seven blood-crazed dogs each fighting hard for their own piece of the action. In one picture the fox is seen held by the hind legs. On closer inspection it is apparent the tail has been removed. In the background, men can be heard cheering on their dogs as the fox is being dismembered. As the law stands, it is not illegal to kill foxes in this country. In the wild they are afforded little or no protection. According to the 1911 Act it is an offence to cruelly ill-treat a fox if the animal is held in a captive state. A fox caught by the hind legs could hardly be in a more captive situation. The gang boss is currently facing criminal charges and is a target for Gardai in the south-east where he and his gang are responsible for a wave of violence in the area. Members of the mob are involved in drug dealing, money lending and other crimes. They have purchased a number of houses in the area, paid for in cash. Earlier this year the gang petrol-bombed a car belonging to local Sinn Fein Councillor, John Hearne who have taken them on and helped victims stand up to these thugs. This particular case of wanton cruelty is currently under investigation by the Waterford Gardai. We sincerely hope for a positive outcome and those involved will be duly punished. The courts must send out a clear message. This type of barbaric cruelty has no place in a civilised society. |
Hello, Team Broc Earlier this year several groups, which included, The Irish Council Against Blood Sports, Badgerwatch, The Irish Wildlife Trust, Northern Ireland Badger Groups along with other animal protection Groups united to form Team Broc. It is indeed heartening for Badgerwatch, (now in its twenty-fifth year of campaigning) to see dedicated and experienced parties coming on board. Never too late. Strength in numbers. Some time ago, the Farmers Guardian (UK) published an interview with senior veterinary officers from the Department of Agriculture (DAFM.) concerning the culling strategy in Ireland. Agriculture’s officials claimed “despite the current emphasis on reducing the badger population, Irish officials call it a ‘stop-gap measure’ that will not eradicate TB in cattle. Only a vaccine, they say will eradicate the disease”. It is unacceptable that Agriculture would trivialise the decimation of our precious badger population, knowing full well the acclaimed culling strategy played little or no role in eradicating BTB. Since the mid-eighties, our Government have killed well in excess of 100,000 badgers for their alleged role in the spread of BTB. According to the Dept. of Agriculture (DAFM) the route of transmission is not fully understood. In short they don’t know. There’s not a shred of sound scientific evidence to back up DAFM’s claims. Other countries have been successful in curtailing the disease by pursuing a non-culling strategy. If culling badgers is the solution to Ireland’s BTB problem, we would have been declared BTB-free years ago. It has not happened. Three decades of killing badgers must stop. Unfortunately, the killing has become something of an industry in this country with millions spent each year to fund it. Who funds the killing? The millions involved are drained annually from the veins of an already overburdened Irish taxpayer. This may come as a shock to Sean Citizen. The task ahead is not an easy one. Unlike England and Wales, we have to contend with public apathy which extends to our elected representatives. The latter have, with the exception of a faithful few, gone for the soft option, blame the badger. Team Broc has its work cut out. |
8th July 2014 The Badger Trust has launched a Judicial Review against the cull, which is due to be heard at the High Court in a few weeks. A protest march against the cull is taking place tomorrow (Saturday 19th July) in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, in the heart of the cull zone. |
Letters To cull or not to cull. The badger cull, conceived and administered by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and funded wholly by the Irish tax-payer, has been responsible for the snaring and death of around 100,000 badgers to date. These assertions may seem plausible, if indeed there was hard evidence to support the government’s case. There isn’t. The government is forced to say that it “believes” badger culling has reduced herd TB because it doesn’t have one shred of evidence to support these claims. TB trends in cattle both North and South of the border certainly deserve closer comparison and analysis. TB in the North fell by 50% over just a few years, without culling badgers. In 2013, herd incidence fell faster in the North than in the South, yes, that’s right, without culling badgers. The most recent published figures show that the difference in North-South herd incidence is just over one percentile point.* The similar downward trend in both parts of Ireland is due to the more robust cattle measures and testing that exist here compared to Great Britain. There are some differences in the long term North-South trend along the way but these can be attributed to variations in test regimens, not badger culling policies. The government should certainly be looking to the North, which has never culled badgers, for an evidence-led TB policy. Irish tax-payers would have good reason to be a little more than upset to learn that the long-running slaughter of badgers has been nothing more than a costly distraction. The most reliable evidence now clearly shows that the solution lies with controlling cattle to cattle infection, not scape-goating broc. Mike Rendle ( address with editor). |
The fate of the Badger BULLFIGHTING, tide is turning John Fitzgerald (Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports) Callan, Co Kilkenny |
Views expressed in An Broc may not necessarily be those of Badgerwatch (Ireland) |
Badgerwatch. 5, Tyrone Avenue, Waterford.. Ireland. 051-373876. barrettb@gofree.indigo.ie
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